



Did you hear about the obese millionaire?

He has a four chin.

Wedding reception

Wedding reception

A 60 year old millionaire is getting married and throws a big wedding reception.

His friends are quite jealous and in a quiet moment one of them asks him how did he land such a hot 23 year old beauty?

“Simple,” grins the millionaire, “I faked my age."

His friends are really amazed and ask him how much he said.

"Well", he replied. "I said I was 87!"

Bill Gates

Bill Gates

Bill Gates walks into a bar and everyone inside becomes a millionaire

...on average.



I'm a 21-year-old multimillionaire. Here's how I did it.

1. I get up at 5:00 AM every day 2. I run for an hour before breakfast 3. Afterward, I take a cold shower to wake me up. 4. Journaling is key. You never know when you might need to remember something. 5. Always write down an appointment as soon as you get it. 6. My dad owns a Fortune 500 company. 7. I meditate every day



What is the fastest way to become a millionaire?

Step 1: become a billionaire.

Step 2: buy an EA game.