"I'm not throwing away my shot"
Alexander Hamilton, leader of the pro-vaccine movement 1780.
"I'm not throwing away my shot"
Alexander Hamilton, leader of the pro-vaccine movement 1780.
What do Grammar Nazis call their movement?
The Alt-Write.
I just ate four cans of alphabet soup...
...and just had the largest vowel movement ever.
I've accidentally swallowed some Scrabble tiles.
My next vowel movement could spell disaster.
If “#” is often read as “pound,”
then perhaps we should rethink the title of the #metoo movement.
I always thought it was vowel movement instead of bowel movement...
Which kind of makes sense if you think about it...
You’re on the toilet going Aaaaa.... Eeeee.... Iiiiii.... Oooooo.... Uuuuu...
And sometimes WHY?!?!