Why was the nun hooked up to an IV of holy water?
She was taking god's name in vein.
Why was the nun hooked up to an IV of holy water?
She was taking god's name in vein.
A Priest needs to go to the bathroom and asks for a Nun to hear the confessions for a while
A Priest needs to go to the bathroom and asks for a Nun to hear the confessions while he is out. The first person to arrive it's a gorgeous woman, who says:
-Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. I had anal sex with some random guy in a bar.
The nun, shocked doesn't know what Penance to give to the Lady, but an altar boy was passing by so she asks him:
-What does the Priest give to people for anal sex?
-Usually a hamburger and a coke.
A priest, a nun and some random dude walks into a bar
They ask for a few coronas, hurricanes, and fireballs.
The bartender says "that'll be 2020"
I saw a Nun with her clothes inside-out today...
I asked her about it, and she said it was *a bad habit of hers*
A drunk stumbles out of the bar at 7am....
As he walks home, he sees a nun walking towards him. He stares her down the entire time as they get closer and closer. Right as they are about to pass, he punches her right in the face, knocking her out cold, then stands over her body and yells, "Not so tough today, are ya, Batman?".
What do you call a nun in a wheelchair?
Virgin Mobile
What do you call a sleepwalking nun?
A roam'n catholic
Doctor just told a nun that she is pregnant.
Nun: "Doctor, you can't be serious - I haven't had sex with a man even once in my entire life! I am saving myself for God!"
Doc: "Sorry, but the tests show undoubtedly that you are pregnant..."
Nun leaves the doctor in anger and bursts back into church shouting: "Ok, who in the name of the God HAD CUM ONTO THE CANDLES!!!"
Three Nuns sitting on a park bench
When a man runs up and flashes them.
Two of them have a stroke... The other one can't reach.
3 nuns are flashed by a pervert in a trench coat
2 of them had a stroke. The other one didn’t want to touch it.
Guy runs into a bar, yells "Quick! How tall is a penguin?"
Bartender says "Three feet tall."
Guy says "Oh my God! I just ran over a nun!"
*NSFW-ish* Two nuns
Two nun's are crossing the road when a vampire jumps out. Nun 1 turns to Nun 2 and says "Quick, show him your cross" Nun 2 turns to the Vampire and says "Oi, Fuck off!"
2 nuns go for a bicycle ride around the Vatican.
The first nun says "I've never come this way before." The second nun says "yeah, must be the cobblestones."