What are the 3 stages of sex after marriage?
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What are the 3 stages of sex after marriage?
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Have you heard the story of the Spanish magician?
He was on stage one day and said "Uno...dos..." and then he disappeared without a tres.
Did you hear about the actor who fell through the floorboards?
He was just going through a stage.
(One of my favorite jokes for my cakeday)
A pig that can speak French
A circus advertises a new act: a pig that can speak French. A trainer walks onto the stage carrying a small pig with a blue ribbon and a wooden mallet. The trainer asks, "Parlez-vous français?" and hits the pig with the mallet. The pig: "Ouiiii..."
When Canada was first unified, they realized they needed a name for this new country, so they decided to draw letters oot of a basket to name it.
The first prime minister went up on stage and started pulling letters and announcing them to the crowd. "C, eh?"..."N, eh?"..."D, eh?"
Did you hear about the stage production called “Dictionary”?
It’s a play on words.
I feel sorry for the hypnotist I saw last night...
He had 7 dudes on stage, all hypnotized, then dropped the mic on his foot and yelled "F*** ME". What happened next will haunt me for the rest of my days.