Everyone says that China doesn't have any freedom of speech. That's obviously untrue.
In the United States, you can go up to the White House and shout "Down with America!", and you won't be punished for it.
Similarly, in China, you can go up to the Communist Party Headquarters and shout "Down with America!", and you won't be punished for it.
Wanted to update an oldie but goodie to modern times.
Trump was out walking on a beautiful snowy day, when he saw that somebody had urinated on the White House lawn to spell out "The President Sucks."
Infuriated, Trump called on the secret service to figure out who had done it. In a few hours, they came to him and told him that there was some bad news and some worse news.
"The bad news is that the urine is from Putin."
"Vlad? How could he do this to me? What could be worse than this?"
"The handwriting's is Melania's."
Donald Trump is really a proved racist and sexist, because...
He beat a woman badly in his run for the presidency and threw a black family out of a white house...
Joe Biden recently said his kid's won't have offices in the white house.
Mainly because he also won't have an office in the white house.