Racist jokes



What does a racist joke and crossing the street have in common?

White people look both ways before they start...



Just found an app that tells you which of your family members and friends are racist.

It's called Facebook.

If I got a dollar everytime someone called me a racist

Black people would rob me

You racist!

An Asian lady who was trying to exchange yen for dollars at the currency exchange was getting irritated at the teller.

She asked the teller, “Why it change?? Yesterday, I get two hunat dolla fo yen. Today I get hunat eighty. Why it change?”

The teller shrugged his shoulders and said, “Fluctuations”.

The Asian lady says, “Fluc you white people, too!”



My cousins are like the letter K.

They are ok by themselves, but when three of them get together, they are just horribly racist.

What do you call a Muslim flying a plane?

A pilot you racist fuck

Donald Trump is really a proved racist and sexist, because...

He beat a woman badly in his run for the presidency and threw a black family out of a white house...

Irish man

Irish man

Racial Humor

An Irish man is sitting at a bar, then a Chinese man sits down next to him. The Chinese takes a drink, the the Irish man says to him, "do you know Kung fu?". The Chinese man says, "why because I'm Chinese? That's just racist!". The Irish man says, "No, I ask because you're drinking my beer".



I’m not a racist. I treat every race equally

Even the bad ones



Did you hear about the Mexican racist?

He joined the Que Que Que



Help! I made my computer racist!

I accidentally pressed alt-right.

What do you call a black guy in outer space?

An astronaut you racist bastard.



I have created the only non-racist Chinese joke.

So I went to Chinatown today. There were too many bright lights. I asked them to dim sum.


A rapist, a sexist and a racist walk into a bar

Barman: How can I help you Mr. President?