I wanted to volunteer and do something good this holiday season...
So I helped these dyslexic kids write letters to Satan.
I wanted to volunteer and do something good this holiday season...
So I helped these dyslexic kids write letters to Satan.
What happens if you drop a nuclear weapon on a dyslexic person?
It's unclear.
RIP to my good friend Brian...
...eaten by a pack of dyslexic zombies :(
Did you hear about the dyslexic devil worshipper?
He sold his soul to Santa
A dyslexic boy is on his way home from training with his mam...."Can we stop at McDonald's mam? I'm starving" the boy asks. "If you can spell McDonald's we will stop on the way home ofcourse son" The boy pauses, composes himself and begins "M" "C" He begins to struggle....
"Ah fuck it mam let's have a KCF"
Why was the dyslexic kid kicked out of the movie theater?
He kept asking where to buy cop porn.
What does D.N.A. stand for?
National Dyslexic Association
Did you hear about the dyslexic KKK member?
He went around killing gingers.
A dyslexic kid once told me,
"I put the 'sexy' in dyslexia."
I refused to believe I was gay AND dyslexic.
I was in Daniel.
What do you get when you cross an insomniac, agnostic and a dyslexic ?
Someone who lies awake at night, wondering if there's a dog.
My teacher told me I'd never be good at poetry because I'm dyslexic.
But so far I've made three jugs and a vase and they're lovely.
What is a dyslexic person's preferred alternative energy source?
It's unclear
If life give you melons...
You're probably dyslexic.